using concurrent

//Actors examples
class Actors
  Void main()
  {  // pass receive to constructor as a closure function
    actor := Actor(ActorPool()) |Int msg->Int| { msg + 1 }

** Actor class (override receive)
const class IncrActor : Actor
  new make(ActorPool p) : super(p) {}
  override Obj? receive(Obj? msg) { msg->increment }

class ActorCalls
  Void main()
    pool := ActorPool()
    actor := IncrActor(pool)
    // send now
    // send in 10ms
    Future f := actor.sendLater(10ms, 5)
    // send after f is processed
    f2 := actor.sendWhenDone(f, 7)
    // get return value (blocking))
    val := f.get(null)
    // try to cancel f2, if not yet processed
    // stop the pool (won't accept any more messages)