using tales class Formats{ Format[] formats := Format[ /* - Name uniquely identifies a format - Exension serves two purpose a) To pick the default view name (which is TypeName.{extension}) b) To auto idenitfy the format fromt he url - Content type is the set of allowed MIME type for this format - FormmatAs can be any of the following a) html - If the output needs to be processed as HTML (using talesId for templating) b) xml - If the output needs to be processed as XML (using talesId for templating) c) text - If the output needs to be processed as Text(using mustache for templating) d) File - If the output is an binary file e) objToJson - Auto formats the return object as json */ Format{name="html"; extension = "html"; contentType= ["text/html"]; formatAs = FormatAS.html}, Format{name="xml"; extension = "xml"; contentType= ["application/xml"]; formatAs = FormatAS.xml}, Format{name="xhtml"; extension = "html"; contentType= ["application/xhtml", "application/xhtml+xml"]; formatAs = FormatAS.html}, Format{name="text"; extension = "txt"; contentType= ["text/plain"]; formatAs = FormatAS.text}, Format{name="javascript"; extension = "json"; contentType= ["text/javascript"]; formatAs = FormatAS.text}, Format{name="json"; extension = "json"; contentType= ["application/json"]; formatAs = FormatAS.text}, Format{name="csv"; extension = "csv"; contentType= ["text/csv"]; formatAs = FormatAS.text}, Format{name="objToJson"; extension = "js"; contentType = ["application/json"]; formatAs = FormatAS.objToJson} ] }