A small toolkit of classes that support lock-free thread-safe
programming on single variables. In essence, the classes in this
package extend the notion of
volatile values, fields, and
array elements to those that also provide an atomic conditional update
operation of the form:
boolean compareAndSet(expectedValue, updateValue);
This method (which varies in argument types across different
classes) atomically sets a variable to the updateValue if it
currently holds the expectedValue, reporting true on
success. The classes in this package also contain methods to get and
unconditionally set values, as well as a weaker conditional atomic
update operation weakCompareAndSet described below.
The specifications of these methods enable implementations to
employ efficient machine-level atomic instructions that are available
on contemporary processors. However on some platforms, support may
entail some form of internal locking. Thus the methods are not
strictly guaranteed to be non-blocking --
a thread may block transiently before performing the operation.
Instances of classes AtomicBoolean
, AtomicInteger
, AtomicLong
, and AtomicReference
each provide access and
updates to a single variable of the corresponding type. Each class
also provides appropriate utility methods for that type. For example,
classes AtomicLong and AtomicInteger provide atomic
increment methods. One application is to generate sequence numbers,
as in:
class Sequencer {
private final AtomicLong sequenceNumber
= new AtomicLong(0);
public long next() {
return sequenceNumber.getAndIncrement();
The memory effects for accesses and updates of atomics generally
follow the rules for volatiles, as stated in The Java Language
Specification, Third Edition (17.4 Memory Model):
- get has the memory effects of reading a
volatile variable.
- set has the memory effects of writing (assigning) a
volatile variable.
- lazySet has the memory effects of writing (assigning)
a volatile variable except that it permits reorderings with
subsequent (but not previous) memory actions that do not themselves
impose reordering constraints with ordinary non-volatile
writes. Among other usage contexts, lazySet may apply when
nulling out, for the sake of garbage collection, a reference that is
never accessed again.
- weakCompareAndSet atomically reads and conditionally
writes a variable but does not
create any happens-before orderings, so provides no guarantees
with respect to previous or subsequent reads and writes of any
variables other than the target of the weakCompareAndSet.
- compareAndSet
and all other read-and-update operations such as getAndIncrement
have the memory effects of both reading and
writing volatile variables.
In addition to classes representing single values, this package
contains Updater classes that can be used to obtain
compareAndSet operations on any selected volatile
field of any selected class. AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater
, AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater
, and AtomicLongFieldUpdater
reflection-based utilities that provide access to the associated field
types. These are mainly of use in atomic data structures in which
several volatile fields of the same node (for example, the
links of a tree node) are independently subject to atomic
updates. These classes enable greater flexibility in how and when to
use atomic updates, at the expense of more awkward reflection-based
setup, less convenient usage, and weaker guarantees.
The AtomicIntegerArray
, AtomicLongArray
, and AtomicReferenceArray
classes further
extend atomic operation support to arrays of these types. These
classes are also notable in providing volatile access
semantics for their array elements, which is not supported for
ordinary arrays.
The atomic classes also support method weakCompareAndSet,
which has limited applicability. On some platforms, the weak version
may be more efficient than compareAndSet in the normal case,
but differs in that any given invocation of the
weakCompareAndSet method may return false
spuriously (that is, for no apparent reason)
. A
false return means only that the operation may be retried if
desired, relying on the guarantee that repeated invocation when the
variable holds expectedValue and no other thread is also
attempting to set the variable will eventually succeed. (Such
spurious failures may for example be due to memory contention effects
that are unrelated to whether the expected and current values are
equal.) Additionally weakCompareAndSet does not provide
ordering guarantees that are usually needed for synchronization
control. However, the method may be useful for updating counters and
statistics when such updates are unrelated to the other
happens-before orderings of a program. When a thread sees an update
to an atomic variable caused by a weakCompareAndSet, it does
not necessarily see updates to any other variables that
occurred before the weakCompareAndSet. This may be
acceptable when, for example, updating performance statistics, but
rarely otherwise.
The AtomicMarkableReference
class associates a single boolean with a reference. For example, this
bit might be used inside a data structure to mean that the object
being referenced has logically been deleted. The AtomicStampedReference
class associates
an integer value with a reference. This may be used for example, to
represent version numbers corresponding to series of updates.
Atomic classes are designed primarily as building blocks for
implementing non-blocking data structures and related infrastructure
classes. The compareAndSet method is not a general
replacement for locking. It applies only when critical updates for an
object are confined to a single variable.
Atomic classes are not general purpose replacements for
java.lang.Integer and related classes. They do not
define methods such as hashCode and
compareTo. (Because atomic variables are expected to be
mutated, they are poor choices for hash table keys.) Additionally,
classes are provided only for those types that are commonly useful in
intended applications. For example, there is no atomic class for
representing byte. In those infrequent cases where you would
like to do so, you can use an AtomicInteger to hold
byte values, and cast appropriately. You can also hold floats
using Float.floatToIntBits and Float.intBitstoFloat
conversions, and doubles using Double.doubleToLongBits and
Double.longBitsToDouble conversions.