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/* * @(#)CompositeDataInvocationHandler.java 1.6 05/11/17 * * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package javax.management.openmbean; import com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanLookup; import com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; /** <p>An {@link InvocationHandler} that forwards getter methods to a {@link CompositeData}. If you have an interface that contains only getter methods (such as {@code String getName()} or {@code boolean isActive()}) then you can use this class in conjunction with the {@link Proxy} class to produce an implementation of the interface where each getter returns the value of the corresponding item in a {@code CompositeData}.</p> <p>For example, suppose you have an interface like this: <blockquote> <pre> public interface NamedNumber { public int getNumber(); public String getName(); } </pre> </blockquote> and a {@code CompositeData} constructed like this: <blockquote> <pre> CompositeData cd = new {@link CompositeDataSupport}( someCompositeType, new String[] {"number", "name"}, new Object[] {<b>5</b>, "five"} ); </pre> </blockquote> then you can construct an object implementing {@code NamedNumber} and backed by the object {@code cd} like this: <blockquote> <pre> InvocationHandler handler = new CompositeDataInvocationHandler(cd); NamedNumber nn = (NamedNumber) Proxy.newProxyInstance(NamedNumber.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] {NamedNumber.class}, handler); </pre> </blockquote> A call to {@code nn.getNumber()} will then return <b>5</b>.</p> <p>If the first letter of the property defined by a getter is a capital, then this handler will look first for an item in the {@code CompositeData} beginning with a capital, then, if that is not found, for an item beginning with the corresponding lowercase letter or code point. For a getter called {@code getNumber()}, the handler will first look for an item called {@code Number}, then for {@code number}. If the getter is called {@code getnumber()}, then the item must be called {@code number}.</p> <p>If the method given to {@link #invoke invoke} is the method {@code boolean equals(Object)} inherited from {@code Object}, then it will return true if and only if the argument is a {@code Proxy} whose {@code InvocationHandler} is also a {@code CompositeDataInvocationHandler} and whose backing {@code CompositeData} is equal (not necessarily identical) to this object's. If the method given to {@code invoke} is the method {@code int hashCode()} inherited from {@code Object}, then it will return a value that is consistent with this definition of {@code equals}: if two objects are equal according to {@code equals}, then they will have the same {@code hashCode}.</p> @since 1.6 */ public class CompositeDataInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler { /** <p>Construct a handler backed by the given {@code CompositeData}.</p> @param compositeData the {@code CompositeData} that will supply information to getters. @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code compositeData} is null. */ public CompositeDataInvocationHandler(CompositeData compositeData) { this(compositeData, null); } /** <p>Construct a handler backed by the given {@code CompositeData}.</p> @param mbsc the {@code MBeanServerConnection} related to this {@code CompositeData}. This is only relevant if a method in the interface for which this is an invocation handler returns a type that is an MXBean interface. Otherwise, it can be null. @param compositeData the {@code CompositeData} that will supply information to getters. @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code compositeData} is null. */ CompositeDataInvocationHandler(CompositeData compositeData, MXBeanLookup lookup) { if (compositeData == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("compositeData"); this.compositeData = compositeData; this.lookup = lookup; } /** Return the {@code CompositeData} that was supplied to the constructor. @return the {@code CompositeData} that this handler is backed by. This is never null. */ public CompositeData getCompositeData() { assert compositeData != null; return compositeData; } public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { final String methodName = method.getName(); // Handle the methods from java.lang.Object if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) { if (methodName.equals("toString") && args == null) return "Proxy[" + compositeData + "]"; else if (methodName.equals("hashCode") && args == null) return compositeData.hashCode() + 0x43444948; else if (methodName.equals("equals") && args.length == 1 && method.getParameterTypes()[0] == Object.class) return equals(proxy, args[0]); else { /* Either someone is calling invoke by hand, or it is a non-final method from Object overriden by the generated Proxy. At the time of writing, the only non-final methods in Object that are not handled above are finalize and clone, and these are not overridden in generated proxies. */ return method.invoke(this, args); } } String propertyName = OpenConverter.propertyName(method); if (propertyName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method is not getter: " + method.getName()); } Object openValue; if (compositeData.containsKey(propertyName)) openValue = compositeData.get(propertyName); else { String decap = OpenConverter.decapitalize(propertyName); if (compositeData.containsKey(decap)) openValue = compositeData.get(decap); else { final String msg = "No CompositeData item " + propertyName + (decap.equals(propertyName) ? "" : " or " + decap) + " to match " + methodName; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } OpenConverter converter = OpenConverter.toConverter(method.getGenericReturnType()); return converter.fromOpenValue(lookup, openValue); } /* This method is called when equals(Object) is * called on our proxy and hence forwarded to us. For example, if we * are a proxy for an interface like this: * public interface GetString { * public String string(); * } * then we must compare equal to another CompositeDataInvocationHandler * proxy for the same interface and where string() returns the same value. * * You might think that we should also compare equal to another * object that implements GetString directly rather than using * Proxy, provided that its string() returns the same result as * ours, and in fact an earlier version of this class did that (by * converting the other object into a CompositeData and comparing * that with ours). But in fact that doesn't make a great deal of * sense because there's absolutely no guarantee that the * resulting equals would be reflexive (otherObject.equals(this) * might be false even if this.equals(otherObject) is true), and, * especially, there's no way we could generate a hashCode() that * would be equal to otherObject.hashCode() when * this.equals(otherObject), because we don't know how * otherObject.hashCode() is computed. */ private boolean equals(Object proxy, Object other) { if (other == null) return false; final Class proxyClass = proxy.getClass(); final Class otherClass = other.getClass(); if (proxyClass != otherClass) return false; InvocationHandler otherih = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(other); if (!(otherih instanceof CompositeDataInvocationHandler)) return false; CompositeDataInvocationHandler othercdih = (CompositeDataInvocationHandler) otherih; return compositeData.equals(othercdih.compositeData); } private final CompositeData compositeData; private final MXBeanLookup lookup; }