Generates a wrapper element around XML representation.
This is primarily intended to be used to produce a wrapper
XML element around collections. The annotation therefore supports
two forms of serialization shown below.
//Example: code fragment
int[] names;
// XML Serialization Form 1 (Unwrapped collection)
<names> ... </names>
<names> ... </names>
// XML Serialization Form 2 ( Wrapped collection )
<names> value-of-item </names>
<names> value-of-item </names>
The two serialized XML forms allow a null collection to be
represented either by absence or presence of an element with a
nillable attribute.
The @XmlElementWrapper annotation can be used with the
following program elements:
- JavaBean property
- non static, non transient field
The usage is subject to the following constraints:
See "Package Specification" in javax.xml.bind.package javadoc for
additional common information.