Returns the TRC as an array of shorts. If the profile has
specified the TRC as linear (gamma = 1.0) or as a simple gamma
value, this method throws an exception, and the getGamma() method
should be used to get the gamma value. Otherwise the short array
returned here represents a lookup table where the input Gray value
is conceptually in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Value 0.0 maps
to array index 0 and value 1.0 maps to array index length-1.
Interpolation may be used to generate output values for
input values which do not map exactly to an index in the
array. Output values also map linearly to the range [0.0, 1.0].
Value 0.0 is represented by an array value of 0x0000 and
value 1.0 by 0xFFFF, i.e. the values are really unsigned
short values, although they are returned in a short array.
theTagSignature should be one of icSigGrayTRCTag, icSigRedTRCTag,
icSigGreenTRCTag, or icSigBlueTRCTag.
a short array representing the TRC.
ProfileDataException - if the profile does not specify
the TRC as a table.