Enables or disables this input method for composition,
depending on the value of the parameter
An input method that is enabled for composition interprets incoming
events for both composition and control purposes, while a
disabled input method does not interpret events for composition.
Note however that events are passed on to the input method regardless
whether it is enabled or not, and that an input method that is disabled
for composition may still interpret events for control purposes,
including to enable or disable itself for composition.
For input methods provided by host operating systems, it is not always possible to
determine whether this operation is supported. For example, an input method may enable
composition only for some locales, and do nothing for other locales. For such input
methods, it is possible that this method does not throw
but also does not affect whether composition is enabled.
This method is called
enable - whether to enable the input method for composition
UnsupportedOperationException - if this input method does not
support the enabling/disabling operation
See Also: