This class implements a lookup operation from the source
to the destination. The LookupTable object may contain a single array
or multiple arrays, subject to the restrictions below.
For Rasters, the lookup operates on bands. The number of
lookup arrays may be one, in which case the same array is
applied to all bands, or it must equal the number of Source
Raster bands.
For BufferedImages, the lookup operates on color and alpha components.
The number of lookup arrays may be one, in which case the
same array is applied to all color (but not alpha) components.
Otherwise, the number of lookup arrays may
equal the number of Source color components, in which case no
lookup of the alpha component (if present) is performed.
If neither of these cases apply, the number of lookup arrays
must equal the number of Source color components plus alpha components,
in which case lookup is performed for all color and alpha components.
This allows non-uniform rescaling of multi-band BufferedImages.
BufferedImage sources with premultiplied alpha data are treated in the same
manner as non-premultiplied images for purposes of the lookup. That is,
the lookup is done per band on the raw data of the BufferedImage source
without regard to whether the data is premultiplied. If a color conversion
is required to the destination ColorModel, the premultiplied state of
both source and destination will be taken into account for this step.
Images with an IndexColorModel cannot be used.
If a RenderingHints object is specified in the constructor, the
color rendering hint and the dithering hint may be used when color
conversion is required.
This class allows the Source to be the same as the Destination.