This class provides an easy way to create an ImageFilter which modifies
the pixels of an image in the default RGB ColorModel. It is meant to
be used in conjunction with a FilteredImageSource object to produce
filtered versions of existing images. It is an abstract class that
provides the calls needed to channel all of the pixel data through a
single method which converts pixels one at a time in the default RGB
ColorModel regardless of the ColorModel being used by the ImageProducer.
The only method which needs to be defined to create a useable image
filter is the filterRGB method. Here is an example of a definition
of a filter which swaps the red and blue components of an image:
class RedBlueSwapFilter extends RGBImageFilter {
public RedBlueSwapFilter() {
// The filter's operation does not depend on the
// pixel's location, so IndexColorModels can be
// filtered directly.
canFilterIndexColorModel = true;
public int filterRGB(int x, int y, int rgb) {
return ((rgb & 0xff00ff00)
| ((rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16)
| ((rgb & 0xff) << 16));