A PropertyEditor class provides support for GUIs that want to
allow users to edit a property value of a given type.
PropertyEditor supports a variety of different kinds of ways of
displaying and updating property values. Most PropertyEditors will
only need to support a subset of the different options available in
this API.
Simple PropertyEditors may only support the getAsText and setAsText
methods and need not support (say) paintValue or getCustomEditor. More
complex types may be unable to support getAsText and setAsText but will
instead support paintValue and getCustomEditor.
Every propertyEditor must support one or more of the three simple
display styles. Thus it can either (1) support isPaintable or (2)
both return a non-null String[] from getTags() and return a non-null
value from getAsText or (3) simply return a non-null String from
Every property editor must support a call on setValue when the argument
object is of the type for which this is the corresponding propertyEditor.
In addition, each property editor must either support a custom editor,
or support setAsText.
Each PropertyEditor should have a null constructor.