Registers this channel with the given selector, returning a selection
An invocation of this convenience method of the form
sc.register(sel, ops)
behaves in exactly the same way as the invocation
(sel, ops, null)
A key representing the registration of this channel with
the given selector
sel - The selector with which this channel is to be registered
ops - The interest set for the resulting key
ClosedChannelException - If this channel is closed
IllegalBlockingModeException - If this channel is in blocking mode
IllegalSelectorException - If this channel was not created by the same provider
as the given selector
CancelledKeyException - If this channel is currently registered with the given selector
but the corresponding key has already been cancelled
IllegalArgumentException - If a bit in
ops does not correspond to an operation
that is supported by this channel, that is, if
set &
~validOps() != 0