Returns true if this CodeSource object "implies" the specified CodeSource.
More specifically, this method makes the following checks, in order.
If any fail, it returns false. If they all succeed, it returns true.
- codesource must not be null.
- If this object's certificates are not null, then all
of this object's certificates must be present in codesource's
- If this object's location (getLocation()) is not null, then the
following checks are made against this object's location and
- codesource's location must not be null.
- If this object's location
equals codesource's location, then return true.
- This object's protocol (getLocation().getProtocol()) must be
equal to codesource's protocol.
- If this object's host (getLocation().getHost()) is not null,
then the SocketPermission
constructed with this object's host must imply the
SocketPermission constructed with codesource's host.
- If this object's port (getLocation().getPort()) is not
equal to -1 (that is, if a port is specified), it must equal
codesource's port.
- If this object's file (getLocation().getFile()) doesn't equal
codesource's file, then the following checks are made:
If this object's file ends with "/-",
then codesource's file must start with this object's
file (exclusive the trailing "-").
If this object's file ends with a "/*",
then codesource's file must start with this object's
file and must not have any further "/" separators.
If this object's file doesn't end with a "/",
then codesource's file must match this object's
file with a '/' appended.
- If this object's reference (getLocation().getRef()) is
not null, it must equal codesource's reference.
For example, the codesource objects with the following locations
and null certificates all imply
the codesource with the location "http://java.sun.com/classes/foo.jar"
and null certificates:
Note that if this CodeSource has a null location and a null
certificate chain, then it implies every other CodeSource.
true if the specified codesource is implied by this codesource,
false if not.
codesource - CodeSource to compare against.