Abstract class for representing access to a system resource.
All permissions have a name (whose interpretation depends on the subclass),
as well as abstract functions for defining the semantics of the
particular Permission subclass.
Most Permission objects also include an "actions" list that tells the actions
that are permitted for the object. For example,
for a java.io.FilePermission
object, the permission name is
the pathname of a file (or directory), and the actions list
(such as "read, write") specifies which actions are granted for the
specified file (or for files in the specified directory).
The actions list is optional for Permission objects, such as
that don't need such a list; you either have the named permission (such
as "system.exit") or you don't.
An important method that must be implemented by each subclass is
the implies
method to compare Permissions. Basically,
"permission p1 implies permission p2" means that
if one is granted permission p1, one is naturally granted permission p2.
Thus, this is not an equality test, but rather more of a
subset test.
Permission objects are similar to String objects in that they
are immutable once they have been created. Subclasses should not
provide methods that can change the state of a permission
once it has been created.