The description of a security service. It encapsulates the properties
of a service and contains a factory method to obtain new implementation
instances of this service.
Each service has a provider that offers the service, a type,
an algorithm name, and the name of the class that implements the
service. Optionally, it also includes a list of alternate algorithm
names for this service (aliases) and attributes, which are a map of
(name, value) String pairs.
This class defines the methods supportsParameter()
and newInstance()
which are used by the Java security framework when it searches for
suitable services and instantes them. The valid arguments to those
methods depend on the type of service. For the service types defined
within Java SE, see the
Java Cryptography Architecture API Specification & Reference
for the valid values.
Note that components outside of Java SE can define additional types of
services and their behavior.
Instances of this class are immutable.