Create Bidi from the given text, embedding, and direction information.
The embeddings array may be null. If present, the values represent embedding level
information. Negative values from -1 to -61 indicate overrides at the absolute value
of the level. Positive values from 1 to 61 indicate embeddings. Where values are
zero, the base embedding level as determined by the base direction is assumed.
text - an array containing the paragraph of text to process.
textStart - the index into the text array of the start of the paragraph.
embeddings - an array containing embedding values for each character in the paragraph.
This can be null, in which case it is assumed that there is no external embedding information.
embStart - the index into the embedding array of the start of the paragraph.
paragraphLength - the length of the paragraph in the text and embeddings arrays.
flags - a collection of flags that control the algorithm. The
algorithm understands the flags DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT,
Other values are reserved.