Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed
value between
from this random
number generator's sequence.

Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed
value between
from this random
number generator's sequence.
The general contract of nextFloat
is that one
value, chosen (approximately) uniformly from the
range 0.0f
(inclusive) to 1.0f
(exclusive), is
pseudorandomly generated and returned. All 224 possible float
of the form m x 2-24, where m is a positive
integer less than 224 , are
produced with (approximately) equal probability.
The method nextFloat
is implemented by class Random
as if by:
public float nextFloat() {
return next(24) / ((float)(1 << 24));
The hedge "approximately" is used in the foregoing description only
because the next method is only approximately an unbiased source of
independently chosen bits. If it were a perfect source of randomly
chosen bits, then the algorithm shown would choose float
values from the stated range with perfect uniformity.
[In early versions of Java, the result was incorrectly calculated as:
return next(30) / ((float)(1 << 30));
This might seem to be equivalent, if not better, but in fact it
introduced a slight nonuniformity because of the bias in the rounding
of floating-point numbers: it was slightly more likely that the
low-order bit of the significand would be 0 than that it would be 1.]
the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed {@code float}
value between {@code 0.0} and {@code 1.0} from this
random number generator's sequence