Constructs a ModelMBeanOperationInfo object.
name - The name of the method.
description - A human readable description of the operation.
signature - MBeanParameterInfo objects describing the parameters(arguments) of the method.
type - The type of the method's return value.
impact - The impact of the method, one of INFO, ACTION, ACTION_INFO, UNKNOWN.
descriptor - An instance of Descriptor containing the appropriate metadata.
for this instance of the MBeanOperationInfo.If it is null then a default descriptor will be created.
If the descriptor does not contain the fields
"displayName" or "role" these fields are added in the descriptor with their default values.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an
IllegalArgumentException. The descriptor is invalid; or
descriptor field "name" is not equal to operation name; or
descriptor field "DescriptorType" is not equal to
"operation"; or descriptor optional field "role" is not equal to
"operation", "getter", or "setter".