This class represents a Reference whose contents is a name, called the link name,
that is bound to an atomic name in a context.

This class represents a Reference whose contents is a name, called the link name,
that is bound to an atomic name in a context.
The name is a URL, or a name to be resolved relative to the initial
context, or if the first character of the name is ".", the name
is relative to the context in which the link is bound.
Normal resolution of names in context operations always follow links.
Resolution of the link name itself may cause resolution to pass through
other links. This gives rise to the possibility of a cycle of links whose
resolution could not terminate normally. As a simple means to avoid such
non-terminating resolutions, service providers may define limits on the
number of links that may be involved in any single operation invoked
by the caller.
A LinkRef contains a single StringRefAddr, whose type is "LinkAddress",
and whose contents is the link name. The class name field of the
Reference is that of this (LinkRef) class.
LinkRef is bound to a name using the normal Context.bind()/rebind(), and
DirContext.bind()/rebind(). Context.lookupLink() is used to retrieve the link
itself if the terminal atomic name is bound to a link.
Many naming systems support a native notion of link that may be used
within the naming system itself. JNDI does not specify whether
there is any relationship between such native links and JNDI links.
A LinkRef instance is not synchronized against concurrent access by multiple
threads. Threads that need to access a LinkRef instance concurrently should
synchronize amongst themselves and provide the necessary locking.