This class represents an event fired by a naming/directory service.
The NamingEvent's state consists of
- The event source: the EventContext which fired this event.
- The event type.
- The new binding: information about the object after the change.
- The old binding: information about the object before the change.
- Change information: information about the change
that triggered this event; usually service provider-specific or server-specific
Note that the event source is always the same EventContext
instance that the listener has registered with.
Furthermore, the names of the bindings in
the NamingEvent are always relative to that instance.
For example, suppose a listener makes the following registration:
NamespaceChangeListener listener = ...;
src.addNamingListener("x", SUBTREE_SCOPE, listener);
When an object named "x/y" is subsequently deleted, the corresponding
NamingEvent (
evt) must contain:
evt.getEventContext() == src
Care must be taken when multiple threads are accessing the same
EventContext concurrently.
See the
package description
for more information on threading issues.