Creates a context for the given URL scheme id.
The resulting context is for resolving URLs of the
scheme scheme
. The resulting context is not tied
to a specific URL. It is able to handle arbitrary URLs with
the specified scheme.
The class name of the factory that creates the resulting context
has the naming convention scheme-idURLContextFactory
(e.g. "ftpURLContextFactory" for the "ftp" scheme-id),
in the package specified as follows.
The Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES environment property (which
may contain values taken from applet parameters, system properties,
or application resource files)
contains a colon-separated list of package prefixes.
Each package prefix in
the property is tried in the order specified to load the factory class.
The default package prefix is "com.sun.jndi.url" (if none of the
specified packages work, this default is tried).
The complete package name is constructed using the package prefix,
concatenated with the scheme id.
For example, if the scheme id is "ldap", and the
Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES property
contains "com.widget:com.wiz.jndi",
the naming manager would attempt to load the following classes
until one is successfully instantiated:
- com.widget.ldap.ldapURLContextFactory
- com.wiz.jndi.ldap.ldapURLContextFactory
- com.sun.jndi.url.ldap.ldapURLContextFactory
If none of the package prefixes work, null is returned.
If a factory is instantiated, it is invoked with the following
parameters to produce the resulting context.
factory.getObjectInstance(null, environment);
For example, invoking getObjectInstance() as shown above
on a LDAP URL context factory would return a
context that can resolve LDAP urls
(e.g. "ldap://ldap.wiz.com/o=wiz,c=us",
"ldap://ldap.umich.edu/o=umich,c=us", ...).
Note that an object factory (an object that implements the ObjectFactory
interface) must be public and must have a public constructor that
accepts no arguments.
A context for resolving URLs with the
scheme id scheme
if the factory for creating the
context is not found.
- scheme - The non-null scheme-id of the URLs supported by the context.
- environment - The possibly null environment properties to be
used in the creation of the object factory and the context.
- NamingException - If a naming exception occurs while creating
the context.
See Also:
NamingManager.getObjectInstance(java.lang.Object, javax.naming.Name, javax.naming.Context, java.util.Hashtable, ?>)
ObjectFactory.getObjectInstance(java.lang.Object, javax.naming.Name, javax.naming.Context, java.util.Hashtable, ?>)