Constructs a KerberosPrincipal from the provided string and
name type input. The string is assumed to contain a name in the
format that is specified in Section 2.1 (Mandatory Name Forms) of
RFC 1964.
Valid name types are specified in Section 7.2 (Principal Names) of
RFC 1510.
The input name must be consistent with the provided name type.
(for example,
duke@FOO.COM, is a valid input string for the
name type, KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL where
represents a principal, and
FOO.COM represents a realm).
If the input name does not contain a realm, the default realm
is used. The default realm can be specified either in a Kerberos
configuration file or via the java.security.krb5.realm
system property. For more information, see
Kerberos Requirements.
- name - the principal name
- nameType - the name type of the principal
- IllegalArgumentException - if name is improperly
formatted, if name is null, if the nameType is not supported,
or if name does not contain the realm to use and the default
realm is not specified in either a Kerberos configuration
file or via the java.security.krb5.realm system property.