Constructs a new float control object with the given parameters
type - the kind of control represented by this float control object
minimum - the smallest value permitted for the control
maximum - the largest value permitted for the control
precision - the resolution or granularity of the control.
This is the size of the increment between discrete valid values.
updatePeriod - the smallest time interval, in microseconds, over which the control
can change from one discrete value to the next during a {@link #shift(float,float,int) shift}
initialValue - the value that the control starts with when constructed
units - the label for the units in which the control's values are expressed,
such as "dB" or "frames per second"
minLabel - the label for the minimum value, such as "Left" or "Off"
midLabel - the label for the midpoint value, such as "Center" or "Default"
maxLabel - the label for the maximum value, such as "Right" or "Full"