An HTML reader to load an HTML document with an HTML
element structure. This is a set of callbacks from
the parser, implemented to create a set of elements
tagged with attributes. The parse builds up tokens
(ElementSpec) that describe the element subtree desired,
and burst it into the document under the protection of
a write lock using the insert method on the document
outer class.
The reader can be configured by registering actions
(of type HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.TagAction
that describe how to handle the action. The idea behind
the actions provided is that the most natural text editing
operations can be provided if the element structure boils
down to paragraphs with runs of some kind of style
in them. Some things are more naturally specified
structurally, so arbitrary structure should be allowed
above the paragraphs, but will need to be edited with structural
actions. The implication of this is that some of the
HTML elements specified in the stream being parsed will
be collapsed into attributes, and in some cases paragraphs
will be synthesized. When HTML elements have been
converted to attributes, the attribute key will be of
type HTML.Tag, and the value will be of type AttributeSet
so that no information is lost. This enables many of the
existing actions to work so that the user can type input,
hit the return key, backspace, delete, etc and have a
reasonable result. Selections can be created, and attributes
applied or removed, etc. With this in mind, the work done
by the reader can be categorized into the following kinds
of tasks:
- Block
- Build the structure like it's specified in the stream.
This produces elements that contain other elements.
- Paragraph
- Like block except that it's expected that the element
will be used with a paragraph view so a paragraph element
won't need to be synthesized.
- Character
- Contribute the element as an attribute that will start
and stop at arbitrary text locations. This will ultimately
be mixed into a run of text, with all of the currently
flattened HTML character elements.
- Special
- Produce an embedded graphical element.
- Form
- Produce an element that is like the embedded graphical
element, except that it also has a component model associated
with it.
- Hidden
- Create an element that is hidden from view when the
document is being viewed read-only, and visible when the
document is being edited. This is useful to keep the
model from losing information, and used to store things
like comments and unrecognized tags.
Currently, <APPLET>, <PARAM>, <MAP>, <AREA>, <LINK>,
<SCRIPT> and <STYLE> are unsupported.
The assignment of the actions described is shown in the
following table for the tags defined in HTML.Tag
Tag | Action |
HTML.Tag.A | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.ADDRESS | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.APPLET | HiddenAction
HTML.Tag.AREA | AreaAction
HTML.Tag.B | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.BASE | BaseAction
HTML.Tag.BASEFONT | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.BIG | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.BODY | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.BR | SpecialAction
HTML.Tag.CAPTION | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.CENTER | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.CITE | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.CODE | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.DD | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.DFN | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.DIR | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.DIV | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.DL | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.DT | ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.EM | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.FONT | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.FORM | As of 1.4 a BlockAction
HTML.Tag.FRAME | SpecialAction
HTML.Tag.FRAMESET | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.H1 | ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.H2 | ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.H3 | ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.H4 | ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.H5 | ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.H6 | ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.HEAD | HeadAction
HTML.Tag.HR | SpecialAction
HTML.Tag.HTML | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.I | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.IMG | SpecialAction
HTML.Tag.INPUT | FormAction
HTML.Tag.ISINDEX | IsndexAction
HTML.Tag.KBD | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.LI | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.LINK | LinkAction
HTML.Tag.MAP | MapAction
HTML.Tag.MENU | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.META | MetaAction
HTML.Tag.NOFRAMES | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.OBJECT | SpecialAction
HTML.Tag.OL | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.OPTION | FormAction
HTML.Tag.P | ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.PARAM | HiddenAction
HTML.Tag.PRE | PreAction
HTML.Tag.SAMP | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.SCRIPT | HiddenAction
HTML.Tag.SELECT | FormAction
HTML.Tag.SMALL | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.STRIKE | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.S | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.STRONG | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.STYLE | StyleAction
HTML.Tag.SUB | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.SUP | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.TABLE | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.TD | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.TEXTAREA | FormAction
HTML.Tag.TH | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.TITLE | TitleAction
HTML.Tag.TR | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.TT | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.U | CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.UL | BlockAction
HTML.Tag.VAR | CharacterAction
Once </html> is encountered, the Actions are no longer notified.