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JDK 1.6
  javax.xml.stream. XMLInputFactory View Source
Copyright (c) 2003 by BEA Systems. All Rights Reserved.
publicabstract abstract class XMLInputFactory
  Defines an abstract implementation of a factory for getting streams.
protected XMLInputFactory ()
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publicabstract XMLEventReader createFilteredReader (XMLEventReader reader, EventFilter filter) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a filtered event reader that wraps the filter around the event reader
publicabstract XMLStreamReader createFilteredReader (XMLStreamReader reader, StreamFilter filter) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a filtered reader that wraps the filter around the reader
publicabstract XMLEventReader createXMLEventReader (InputStream stream) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLEventReader from a java.io.InputStream
publicabstract XMLEventReader createXMLEventReader (InputStream stream, String encoding) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLEventReader from a java.io.InputStream
publicabstract XMLEventReader createXMLEventReader (Reader reader) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLEventReader from a reader
publicabstract XMLEventReader createXMLEventReader (Source source) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLEventReader from a JAXP source.
publicabstract XMLEventReader createXMLEventReader (String systemId, InputStream stream) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLEventReader from a java.io.InputStream
publicabstract XMLEventReader createXMLEventReader (String systemId, Reader reader) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLEventReader from a reader
publicabstract XMLEventReader createXMLEventReader (XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLEventReader from an XMLStreamReader.
publicabstract XMLStreamReader createXMLStreamReader (InputStream stream) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLStreamReader from a java.io.InputStream
publicabstract XMLStreamReader createXMLStreamReader (InputStream stream, String encoding) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLStreamReader from a java.io.InputStream
publicabstract XMLStreamReader createXMLStreamReader (Reader reader) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLStreamReader from a reader
publicabstract XMLStreamReader createXMLStreamReader (Source source) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLStreamReader from a JAXP source.
publicabstract XMLStreamReader createXMLStreamReader (String systemId, InputStream stream) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLStreamReader from a java.io.InputStream
publicabstract XMLStreamReader createXMLStreamReader (String systemId, Reader reader) throws XMLStreamException
  Create a new XMLStreamReader from a java.io.InputStream
publicabstract XMLEventAllocator getEventAllocator ()
Gets the allocator used by streams created with this factory
publicabstract Object getProperty (String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
  Get the value of a feature/property from the underlying implementation
publicabstract XMLReporter getXMLReporter ()
The reporter that will be set on any XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader created by this factory instance.
publicabstract XMLResolver getXMLResolver ()
The resolver that will be set on any XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader created by this factory instance.
publicabstract boolean isPropertySupported (String name)
  Query the set of properties that this factory supports.
publicstatic XMLInputFactory newInstance () throws FactoryConfigurationError
  Create a new instance of the factory.
publicstatic XMLInputFactory newInstance (String factoryId, ClassLoader classLoader) throws FactoryConfigurationError
  Create a new instance of the factory
publicabstract void setEventAllocator (XMLEventAllocator allocator)
  Set a user defined event allocator for events
publicabstract void setProperty (String name, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException
  Allows the user to set specific feature/property on the underlying implementation.
publicabstract void setXMLReporter (XMLReporter reporter)
  The reporter that will be set on any XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader created by this factory instance.
publicabstract void setXMLResolver (XMLResolver resolver)
  The resolver that will be set on any XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader created by this factory instance.
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publicfinalstatic String ALLOCATOR = "javax.xml.stream.allocator"
The property used to set/get the implementation of the allocator
publicfinalstatic String IS_COALESCING = "javax.xml.stream.isCoalescing"
The property that requires the parser to coalesce adjacent character data sections
publicfinalstatic String IS_NAMESPACE_AWARE = "javax.xml.stream.isNamespaceAware"
The property used to turn on/off namespace support, this is to support XML 1.0 documents, only the true setting must be supported
publicfinalstatic String IS_REPLACING_ENTITY_REFERENCES = "javax.xml.stream.isReplacingEntityReferences"
Requires the parser to replace internal entity references with their replacement text and report them as characters
publicfinalstatic String IS_SUPPORTING_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES = "javax.xml.stream.isSupportingExternalEntities"
The property that requires the parser to resolve external parsed entities
publicfinalstatic String IS_VALIDATING = "javax.xml.stream.isValidating"
The property used to turn on/off implementation specific validation
publicfinalstatic String REPORTER = "javax.xml.stream.reporter"
The property used to set/get the implementation of the XMLReporter interface
publicfinalstatic String RESOLVER = "javax.xml.stream.resolver"
The property used to set/get the implementation of the XMLResolver
publicfinalstatic String SUPPORT_DTD = "javax.xml.stream.supportDTD"
The property that requires the parser to support DTDs
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