Parses the specified source(s) as a schema and returns it as a schema.
The callee will read all the Source
s and combine them into a
single schema. The exact semantics of the combination depends on the schema
language that this SchemaFactory
object is created for.
When an ErrorHandler
is set, the callee will report all the errors
found in sources to the handler. If the handler throws an exception, it will
abort the schema compilation and the same exception will be thrown from
this method. Also, after an error is reported to a handler, the callee is allowed
to abort the further processing by throwing it. If an error handler is not set,
the callee will throw the first error it finds in the sources.
W3C XML Schema 1.0
The resulting schema contains components from the specified sources.
The same result would be achieved if all these sources were
imported, using appropriate values for schemaLocation and namespace,
into a single schema document with a different targetNamespace
and no components of its own, if the import elements were given
in the same order as the sources. Section 4.2.3 of the XML Schema
recommendation describes the options processors have in this
regard. While a processor should be consistent in its treatment of
JAXP schema sources and XML Schema imports, the behaviour between
JAXP-compliant parsers may vary; in particular, parsers may choose
to ignore all but the first <import> for a given namespace,
regardless of information provided in schemaLocation.
If the parsed set of schemas includes error(s) as
specified in the section 5.1 of the XML Schema spec, then
the error must be reported to the ErrorHandler
For RELAX NG, this method must throw UnsupportedOperationException
if schemas.length!=1
Always return a non-null valid {@link Schema} object.
Note that when an error has been reported, there is no
guarantee that the returned {@link Schema} object is
- schemas - inputs to be parsed. {@link SchemaFactory} is required
to recognize {@link javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource},
{@link StreamSource},
{@link javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXSource},
and {@link javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource}.
Input schemas must be XML documents or
XML elements and must not be null. For backwards compatibility,
the results of passing anything other than
a document or element are implementation-dependent.
Implementations must either recognize and process the input
or thrown an IllegalArgumentException.
- SAXException - If an error is found during processing the specified inputs.
When an {@link ErrorHandler} is set, errors are reported to
there first. See {@link #setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler)}.
- NullPointerException - If the schemas
parameter itself is null or
any item in the array is null.
- IllegalArgumentException - If any item in the array is not recognized by this method.
- UnsupportedOperationException - If the schema language doesn't support this operation.