Converts lexcial value and the current context to the corresponding
value object.
The caller cannot generally assume that the value object is
a meaningful Java object. For example, the caller cannot expect
this method to return java.lang.Number
type for
the "integer" type of XML Schema Part 2.
Also, the caller cannot assume that the equals method and
the hashCode method of the value object are consistent with
the semantics of the datatype. For that purpose, the sameValue
method and the valueHashCode method have to be used. Note that
this means you cannot use classes like
to store the value objects.
The returned value object should be used solely for the sameValue
and valueHashCode methods.
when the given lexical value is not a valid lexical
value for this type.
- context - If this datatype is context-dependent
(when the {@link #isContextDependent} method returns true),
then the caller must provide a non-null valid context object.
Otherwise, the caller can pass null.