A single input source for an XML entity.
This module, both source code and documentation, is in the
Public Domain, and comes with NO WARRANTY.
See http://www.saxproject.org
for further information.
This class allows a SAX application to encapsulate information
about an input source in a single object, which may include
a public identifier, a system identifier, a byte stream (possibly
with a specified encoding), and/or a character stream.
There are two places that the application can deliver an
input source to the parser: as the argument to the Parser.parse
method, or as the return value of the EntityResolver.resolveEntity
The SAX parser will use the InputSource object to determine how
to read XML input. If there is a character stream available, the
parser will read that stream directly, disregarding any text
encoding declaration found in that stream.
If there is no character stream, but there is
a byte stream, the parser will use that byte stream, using the
encoding specified in the InputSource or else (if no encoding is
specified) autodetecting the character encoding using an algorithm
such as the one in the XML specification. If neither a character
stream nor a
byte stream is available, the parser will attempt to open a URI
connection to the resource identified by the system
An InputSource object belongs to the application: the SAX parser
shall never modify it in any way (it may modify a copy if
necessary). However, standard processing of both byte and
character streams is to close them on as part of end-of-parse cleanup,
so applications should not attempt to re-use such streams after they
have been handed to a parser.