Returns the locales supported by the corresponding input method.
The locale may describe just the language, or may also include
country and variant information if needed.
The information is used to select input methods by locale
). It may also
be used to sort input methods by locale in a user-visible
list of input methods.
Only the input method's primary locales should be returned.
For example, if a Japanese input method also has a pass-through
mode for Roman characters, typically still only Japanese would
be returned. Thus, the list of locales returned is typically
a subset of the locales for which the corresponding input method's
implementation of InputMethod.setLocale(java.util.Locale)
returns true.
If InputMethodDescriptor.hasDynamicLocaleList()
returns true, this method is
called each time the information is needed. This
gives input methods that depend on network resources the chance
to add or remove locales as resources become available or
the locales supported by the input method
- AWTException - if it can be determined that the input method
is inoperable, for example, because of incomplete installation.