Returns the ModelMBean's descriptor which contains MBean wide policies. This descriptor contains
metadata about the MBean and default policies for persistence and caching.
The fields in the descriptor are defined, but not limited to, the following:
name : MBean name
descriptorType : must be "mbean"
displayName : name of attribute to be used in displays
persistPolicy : OnUpdate|OnTimer|NoMoreOftenThan|OnUnregister|Always|Never
persistLocation : The fully qualified directory name where the MBean should be persisted (if appropriate)
persistFile : File name into which the MBean should be persisted
persistPeriod : seconds - frequency of persist cycle for OnTime and NoMoreOftenThan PersistPolicy
currencyTimeLimit : how long value is valid, <0 never, =0 always, >0 seconds
log : where t: log all notifications f: log no notifications
logfile : fully qualified filename to log events to
visibility : 1-4 where 1: always visible 4: rarely visible
export : name to be used to export/expose this MBean so that it is findable by
other JMX Agents.
presentationString : xml formatted string to allow presentation of data to be associated with the MBean.
The default descriptor is: name=mbeanName,descriptorType=mbean, displayName=this.getClassName(),
If the descriptor does not contain all these fields, they will be added with these default values.
Note: because of inconsistencies in previous versions of
this specification, it is recommended not to use negative or zero
values for currencyTimeLimit
. To indicate that a
cached value is never valid, omit the
field. To indicate that it is
always valid, use a very large number for this field.
the MBean descriptor.
MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication
RuntimeOperationsException - a {@link
RuntimeException} occurred while getting the descriptor.
See Also: