Returns the value of a specific attribute defined for this
The last value returned by an attribute may be cached in the
attribute's descriptor.
The valid value will be in the 'value' field if there is one.
If the 'currencyTimeLimit' field in the descriptor is:
- <0 Then the value is not cached and is never valid.
The getter method is invoked for the attribute.
The 'value' and 'lastUpdatedTimeStamp' fields are cleared.
- =0 Then the value is always cached and always valid.
The 'value' field is returned. If there is no'value' field
then the getter method is invoked for the attribute.
The 'lastUpdatedTimeStamp' field and `value' fields are set
to the attribute's value and the current time stamp.
- >0 Represents the number of seconds that the 'value'
field is valid.
The 'value' field is no longer valid when
'lastUpdatedTimeStamp' + 'currencyTimeLimit' > Now.
- When 'value' is valid, 'value' is returned.
- When 'value' is no longer valid then the getter
method is invoked for the attribute.
The 'lastUpdatedTimeStamp' field and `value' fields
are updated.
Note: because of inconsistencies in previous versions of
this specification, it is recommended not to use negative or zero
values for currencyTimeLimit
. To indicate that a
cached value is never valid, omit the
field. To indicate that it is
always valid, use a very large number for this field.
If the 'getMethod' field contains the name of a valid
operation descriptor, then the method described by the
operation descriptor is executed. The response from the
method is returned as the value of the attribute. If the
operation fails or the returned value is not compatible with
the declared type of the attribute, an exception will be thrown.
If no 'getMethod' field is defined then the default value of the
attribute is returned. If the returned value is not compatible with
the declared type of the attribute, an exception will be thrown.
The declared type of the attribute is the String returned by
. A value is compatible
with this type if one of the following is true:
- the value is null;
- the declared name is a primitive type name (such as "int")
and the value is an instance of the corresponding wrapper
type (such as java.lang.Integer);
- the name of the value's class is identical to the declared name;
- the declared name can be loaded by the value's class loader and
produces a class to which the value can be assigned.
In this implementation, in every case where the getMethod needs to
be called, because the method is invoked through the standard "invoke"
method and thus needs operationInfo, an operation must be specified
for that getMethod so that the invocation works correctly.
The value of the retrieved attribute from the
descriptor 'value' field or from the invocation of the
operation in the 'getMethod' field of the descriptor.
attrName - A String specifying the name of the
attribute to be retrieved. It must match the name of a
AttributeNotFoundException - The specified attribute is
not accessible in the MBean.
The following cases may result in an AttributeNotFoundException:
- No ModelMBeanInfo was found for the Model MBean.
- No ModelMBeanAttributeInfo was found for the specified
attribute name.
- The ModelMBeanAttributeInfo isReadable method returns
MBeanException - Wraps one of the following Exceptions:
- {@link InvalidAttributeValueException}: A wrong value type
was received from the attribute's getter method or
no 'getMethod' field defined in the descriptor for
the attribute and no default value exists.
- {@link ServiceNotFoundException}: No
ModelMBeanOperationInfo defined for the attribute's
getter method or no descriptor associated with the
ModelMBeanOperationInfo or the managed resource is
- {@link InvalidTargetObjectTypeException} The 'targetType'
field value is not 'objectReference'.
- An Exception thrown by the managed object's getter.
ReflectionException - Wraps an {@link java.lang.Exception}
thrown while trying to invoke the getter.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an
{@link IllegalArgumentException}: The attribute name in
parameter is null.
See Also: