This interface is for enumerating lists returned by
methods in the javax.naming and javax.naming.directory packages.
It extends Enumeration to allow as exceptions to be thrown during
the enumeration.
When a method such as list(), listBindings(), or search() returns
a NamingEnumeration, any exceptions encountered are reserved until
all results have been returned. At the end of the enumeration, the
exception is thrown (by hasMore());
For example, if the list() is
returning only a partial answer, the corresponding exception would
be PartialResultException. list() would first return a NamingEnumeration.
When the last of the results has been returned by the NamingEnumeration's
next(), invoking hasMore() would result in PartialResultException being thrown.
In another example, if a search() method was invoked with a specified
size limit of 'n'. If the answer consists of more than 'n' results,
search() would first return a NamingEnumeration.
When the n'th result has been returned by invoking next() on the
NamingEnumeration, a SizeLimitExceedException would then thrown when
hasMore() is invoked.
Note that if the program uses hasMoreElements() and nextElement() instead
to iterate through the NamingEnumeration, because these methods
cannot throw exceptions, no exception will be thrown. Instead,
in the previous example, after the n'th result has been returned by
nextElement(), invoking hasMoreElements() would return false.
Note also that NoSuchElementException is thrown if the program invokes
next() or nextElement() when there are no elements left in the enumeration.
The program can always avoid this exception by using hasMore() and
hasMoreElements() to check whether the end of the enumeration has been reached.
If an exception is thrown during an enumeration,
the enumeration becomes invalid.
Subsequent invocation of any method on that enumeration
will yield undefined results.