This interface represents an attribute associated with a named object.
In a directory, named objects can have associated with them
attributes. The Attribute interface represents an attribute associated
with a named object. An attribute contains 0 or more, possibly null, values.
The attribute values can be ordered or unordered (see isOrdered()).
If the values are unordered, no duplicates are allowed.
If the values are ordered, duplicates are allowed.
The content and representation of an attribute and its values is defined by
the attribute's schema. The schema contains information
about the attribute's syntax and other properties about the attribute.
See getAttributeDefinition() and
for details regarding how to get schema information about an attribute
if the underlying directory service supports schemas.
Equality of two attributes is determined by the implementation class.
A simple implementation can use Object.equals() to determine equality
of attribute values, while a more sophisticated implementation might
make use of schema information to determine equality.
Similarly, one implementation might provide a static storage
structure which simply returns the values passed to its
constructor, while another implementation might define get() and
to get the values dynamically from the directory.
Note that updates to Attribute (such as adding or removing a
value) do not affect the corresponding representation of the attribute
in the directory. Updates to the directory can only be effected
using operations in the DirContext interface.