Creates a ModelMBeanInfoSupport with the provided information
and the descriptor given in parameter.
className - classname of the MBean
description - human readable description of the
attributes - array of ModelMBeanAttributeInfo objects
which have descriptors
constructors - array of ModelMBeanConstructorInfo
objects which have descriptor
operations - array of ModelMBeanOperationInfo objects
which have descriptor
notifications - array of ModelMBeanNotificationInfo
objects which have descriptor
mbeandescriptor - descriptor to be used as the
MBeanDescriptor containing MBean wide policy. If the
descriptor is null, a default descriptor will be constructed.
The default descriptor is:
name=className, descriptorType=mbean, displayName=className,
persistPolicy=never, log=F, visibility=1. If the
descriptor does not contain all these fields, they will be
added with these default values.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an
IllegalArgumentException for invalid descriptor passed in
parameter. (see {@link #getMBeanDescriptor
getMBeanDescriptor} for the definition of a valid MBean